
Home / Puzzles / Story Puzzles / Story puzzles - Little Red Riding Hood - 35 pcs

Story puzzles - Little Red Riding Hood - 35 pcs

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SKU: DJ07050
Unit: pc
Qty: Out of Stock

16,90 €


Free of charge to Estonia parcel machine from 44.90 € and with courier from 99.90 € purchase.

Free of charge to Finland parcel machine from 159.90 € and with courier from 299.90 € purchase.

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Piece together the puzzle to reveal the famous tale of Little Red Riding Hood in the form of a silent comic. This superb 35-piece puzzle comes in a beautiful box.

Contents: 1x 35-piece puzzle made of card + 1 poster + 3 cardboard characters. Decorative box for your child’s bedroom. A premium puzzle that can be done over and over again. A puzzle for making up and telling stories.

Suitable from 3 years. Warning! Not suitable for children under three years, choking hazard due to small parts.
Vanusepiirang Ei ole sobiv alla 3 aasta vanustele lastele. Väikesed osad.
From age +3
Includes 35 tk/pcs
Product measures 33 x 44,5 cm

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